В Сети ходит “спойлер” будущей десятки Франции. И целых два спойлера!
Спойлер №1. Русскоязычный
Закрытое тестирование, французский линкор Voltaire, X уровень.
Боеспоспобность — 92700, обшивка — 32 мм, бронепояс — 350 мм. Главный калибр — 4×4 380 мм. Дальность стрельбы — 24 км. Максимальный урон ОФ снарядом — 5400, максимальный урон ББ снарядом — 11900. Время перезарядки 30 с., время поворота ГК на 180 градусов — 36 с., максимальное рассеивание – 300 м. Начальная скорость снаряда ОФ — 830 м/с. Начальная скорость снаряда ББ — 830 м/с. Sigma — 2.0. Максимальная скорость хода — 34.0 узла. Радиус циркуляции – 950 м., время перекладки руля – 19.5 с. Заметность с корабля – 17.7 км, заметность с самолётов – 14.8 км. Заметность после выстрела из дымов – 17.8 км. ПТЗ. снижение урона — 29%
Доступное снаряжение:
1 слот — “Аварийная команда”
2 слот — “Ремонтная команда”
3 слот — “Коррекировщик огня”, “Катапультный истребитель”
4 слот — “Форсаж””
Спойлер 2. Утащен с реддита
Tier III – Turenne
A modified Danton-class battleship with 6×2 turrets. It is largely based on the historical counterpart.
Tier IV – Courbet
Tier V – Bretagne
Tier VI – Normandie
Tier VII – Lyon
Tier VIII – Richelieu
Tier IX – Alsace
I presume, to be precise, it’s Alsace n°3 with 3×4 380mm guns. WG didn’t make 406mm guns or 380mm triples for French. So theoretically it is the only possibility.
Tier X – France
The ultimate masterpiece (hype-hype) from Saint Petersburg with 431mm/50 quadruple guns. See below for gun & shell characteristics, it is DAMN AWESOME:
Damage: 14500; Air drag: 0.35; Shell weight: 1321kg; Krupp: 2550; Muzzle velocity: 840m/s
Про дрыны отдельно:
Alright, with the post by sea group and the comment about a 431mm cannon, I instantly considered the gun a fake. I have never seen any reference to a 431mm cannon before, and I had no reason to think it existed.
/u/beachedwhale1945 linked me this EU forum comment which says something about a “431mm modèle 1939” contained on a document about the naval gun board of Ruelle. Discussion was about the barrel liner, which would indicate that there had to have been a matching design of a gun.
If you google “431mm French cannon Ruelle” you get nothing other than that same forum post. So clearly any information about the gun is held privately.
I quickly asked a few people I know, and I got a response in the form of a French forum post that even further talks about the discussion of the barrel liner for a 431mm cannon. The first forum post is from January of 2016, and this next one is from August of 2016.
I was then sent a link to an index of the Châtellerault archives. Châtellerault is where the French military holds all documents relating to armament. Access is only granted to those who have a reason to go there and research. We know that WG was handed an absurd amount of documents from their 2017 video.
Title page of the index
In the contents list, there is a listing for Calibre 431mm on page 51. Scrolling down to it shows there are two entries listed:
- Canon de 431 mm modèle 1939 ∫c 1939. – 1939
- Chemise modèle 1939 de 431 mm modèle 1939 ∫c 1939. – 1939
The first entry is the cannon itself, while the second is the barrel liner. “Chemise” is the French word for shirt, which would mean the liner in this context.
This all that I know for right now. WG knows far more than any of us do about the gun, and until anyone can go the the archives at Châtellerault, none of us will either.
TL;DR – The gun is real, but no information on it is known (for now)
Спойлер 3:
Итальянская девятка
Главная фишка – чудовищные орудия, 406 мм с длиной в 56 (!!!) калибров
Спойлер 4:
Итальянская 10 будет произведением КБ Лесты
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Автор публикации ex_it